My Life and steel…

well, last week I got two piercings, one in my right earlobe, and one in the top of my ear, and I'm quite pleased, the top of my ear hurts if I bump it, but is generally fine. the other place steel turns up is getting some moles taken out, that happens on Monday. I'm banned from the gym

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Uni, Assignments, and general ARRRRGH!

I have 3 assignments to work on, and I'm doing this…

Congratulations me, I'm procrastinating far more than I ever should be. I have a CSec assignment due in week 12, and 2 programming assignments and a 50 minute test in week 13. blogging strikes me as academically suicidal right now, yet here I am. Why?

Because Julian is a DICK! it seems like he's just yanked stuff he used last year and not really checked it properly to determine that it all matches up.  How does this assignment translate to good design if the design supplied isn't followed by the setter of the assignment, there are methods there that aren't in the accompanying design descriptions, and there are other methods which are in the descriptions but that he hasn't put headers in the code for…

Conclusion, Lecturers must die.

I even figured out the command to issue to a UNIX-bot…
grep KXT102*Lecturer staff.lst | kill -9
search the staff list for KXT102 followed by any number of characters and "Lecturer" and sends the output of the command to the "kill" command.

now I just need a robot running unix to issue the command to…

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Gym, Drag, and Visits.

well today was a day for visiting and drags. (cars, people, not queens!)

Don and I went to town to quote a friend for a wiring job, and from there to visit a friend in Perth (Tas) to pick up some stuff. Between town and the friend's place, Don decided he wanted to go to the Drag Races and catch up with some old friends. so off we went.  Boredom plus, as far as the actual racing is concerned. but some of the people are great. we now have Elise and Bono coming for dinner next Saturday.

Gym: well, I thought about going on Friday, but no, didn't work out. life happened.  Dad came to visit, which was cool, but he forgot his books, which I have no room for.

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